October 2021: General Conference Quotes
We loved spending this past weekend listening to the 191st semi-annual Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
We loved spending this past weekend listening to the 191st semi-annual Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
You’ll laugh a lot. You’ll cry (probably from laughing so hard). But most of all, you’ll leave feeling a little bit closer to The Reason for the Season.
There's something inside each of us that wants to become a little bit more like the hero of a story we've heard. So what does it take to become a hero?
You've searched. You've pondered. You've prayed. Now what? Are the thoughts and/or feelings you're getting coming from God?
We’ve found some of John Bytheway's most popular Turtle Talks from the Our Turtle House App that will keep your family entertained and inspired!
International Women's Day is celebrated on Monday, August 9, 2021. This is a day that the world gathers together to celebrate the women in each of our lives.
Perfect. Flawless. Filter. Top-of-the-line. Best. Unbeatable. Model. We live in a world where these descriptors seem to be the goal and anything less is unacceptable.
Before being paralyzed, Meg was a ballroom dancer and professional party planner. Then a weekend trip changed it all and Meg was paralyzed on March 6, 2004 when she was…
So much of what face in life can be more easily handled by choosing a positive attitude. We can be happy through the good times AND the bad simply by keeping an eternal perspective on life. At the same time, we recognize that "happy" might look different from one person to the next.
Unfortunately, it's no longer a matter of "if" our children will be exposed to pornography, it's become a matter of "when".