Following the Prophet Brings Blessings

Have you ever heard someone say, “Show me where Jesus said that in the scriptures”? Carmen Herbert reminds us of a crucial truth—Jesus Christ still speaks today through living prophets. Just because something isn’t explicitly written in the Bible doesn’t mean it isn’t inspired. President Nelson’s counsel on modesty, media, and moral choices isn’t just about rules—it’s about receiving divine blessings.


The Trap of a Validating Love

We want to be validated in the way that we show love, but that often leads to a trap of loneliness. Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife explains the truest ways to form intimacy in a relationship and a better alternative to seeking validation from those we love.


A Raw Take on Real Happiness

What makes YOU happy? It sounds like such a simple question... until you realize you can't answer it. Comedian Richie Steadman and self-proclaimed 'sorrow addict' shares a raw, honest (and occasionally hilarious) journey about finding joy in unexpected places. Including a comparison to cilantro that somehow makes perfect sense? Sometimes the path to joy starts with admitting you don't know how to find it.


Learning to Love

How do we love those who seem to get away with everything? How do we love ourselves? Matthew Merrill reminds us of a deeper way of learning how to love those we see most difficult to love.


One Habit That Keeps You Young for Life

Aging isn’t about the number of candles on your birthday cake—it’s about whether or not you keep learning. Wendy Tatten reminds us that as long as we continue to expand our minds, seek knowledge, and embrace new experiences, we will never truly grow old. The moment we stop learning, we start to wither. But when we stay curious, challenge ourselves, and push our minds to new heights, we remain full of life and energy. No matter your age, today is the perfect day to start something new!


The Power of Your Inner Circle

Who you surround yourself with matters—more than you think. Mary Alice Hatch reminds you that the five closest people in their lives will shape their thoughts, their actions, and even their future. If you’re feeling unsupported, unmotivated, or just stuck, maybe it’s time to take a step back and ask: Are my friends helping me become who I want to be? You are a child of God, and you deserve to be surrounded by people who uplift and inspire you. Don’t be afraid to make a change—it could change everything.


Your Trials are Not God’s Punishments

We all wish life could be easier—no stress, no struggle, no hardships. But what if avoiding challenges actually weakened us? Annette Dalton shares an incredible insight from a real-life experiment, where trees in a controlled environment collapsed without wind. The truth is, we need opposition to grow just as much as trees do. The trials you face today are strengthening you for tomorrow. What if instead of resisting, you let them shape you into the person God knows you can become?


New Year, New You

Kickstart your new year with a divine perspective on goal-setting! Jake Blizzard talks about how to align your aspirations with God’s purpose and witness the miracles that unfold as you journey through this new year!