Recognizing Self-Worth

How can we measure our self-worth? President Thomas S. Monson  once taught, “The worth of a human soul is its capacity to become as God.”  


Navigating Mental Health

Got a second? Good. Let's talk about mental health. The staff and contributors at Our Turtle House want to help everyone understand that it is okay to talk about the challenges you're facing.


Dealing With Anger

Hangry. Impatience. Road rage. Frustration...all various forms of anger; all various forms of taking it out on other people.


How to Support Our Future Leaders: The Youth

As the rising generation begins to come forward, we see in them the spirits that Heavenly Father saved for the final days. Strong spirits. Influential spirits. Perceptive spirits ready to answer the call to unleash their potential of unimaginable proportions.


When We Make Mistakes

We all make mistakes. Actually, we all make lots of mistakes. Why? Because we're humans. We're mortals. We are imperfect beings left to make thousands of decisions on a daily basis.


The Blessings of Boundaries

Our children might fight us and many of them might even try to push the boundaries to reflect what is popular among their peers. However, it is vital for us to help them understand the blessings that can come from setting and maintaining healthy technological boundaries.


Preparing For Spiritual Battles

We are in a war with the most vicious, power-hungry enemy that has ever existed. We do not know when he will attack, where he will attack, or what weapons of mass destruction he has hiding within his reach. We do not know how many warriors he will bring with him or what his plan of attack might be, so we. must. be. ready.