Jori’s Story
Jori was adopted at birth, then she gave up her daughter for adoption. How these experiences brought her closer to her Heavenly Father.
Jori was adopted at birth, then she gave up her daughter for adoption. How these experiences brought her closer to her Heavenly Father.
Peter left church for a gang, after grieving the loss of his mother and son he returns to Jesus Christ and is redeemed.
Rob was raised in a polygamist group. As he got older he inquired of God what the right thing to do was, and he was led to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
A tragic ski accident left Chauncy with PTSD which left him feeling forsaken. How he used the help of his Savior to overcome.
Ashly and Jesse Stone share their experiences overcoming addiction by utilizing the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the church's 12 Step program.
Hailey lost her faith while on her mission. As she reached out to Heavenly Father she began seeing small miracles in her life.
John lost everything to addiction - his family, his home and his job. After being arrested multiple times he turns his life over to the Lord.
Growing up Emily was a wild child, as she got older she noticed a pervasive darkness in her life. Learn what happens as she gets on her knees and turns her life back over to Christ.
When Heather's marriage began to fail, her husband started showing her anti-Mormon content, which shook her testimony. How she used the strength of those around her to navigate her trials.
As a young woman Jane was a closet rebel. Her story takes us through the many experiences that lead her to her Savior, Jesus Christ.