The Stick of Joseph Brothers’ Story
The Stick of Joseph brothers talk about building faith through questions and lessons learned by overcoming personal challenges.
The Stick of Joseph brothers talk about building faith through questions and lessons learned by overcoming personal challenges.
Matthew grew up Protestant but couldn't deny the truth of The Book of Mormon. After his own faith crisis he is working towards sealing his family in the temple.
Kelsea's dark experience with New Age theology and how turning her heart to Jesus Christ saved her marriage.
"Before Oliver passes away, he goes out of his way on several occasions to publicly and ardently bear testimony of the restoration of the Book of Mormon. One of the more well -known accounts is a guy named Jacob Gates. He's on his way to his mission and he stops in Richmond to visit Oliver Cowdery. Jacob Gates asks Oliver, 'Is it all true? Can you tell me if it's true?' Oliver Cowdery says, 'Jacob, I want you to remember what I say to you. I am a dying man. What would it profit me to tell you a lie? I know that this Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God. My eyes saw, my ears heard, and my understanding was touched. I know that whereof I testified is true. It was no dream, no vain imagination of the mind. It was real.' I think this was recorded two or three months before Oliver passed away. And he says, he doesn't have any reason to lie at this point. In fact, he wants to tell the truth because he knows he's about to meet his maker. And he still bears his testimony on the Book of Mormon."
Nate's spiritual experiences helped turn his life around to something beautiful and fulfilling.
Austin's faith crisis went on for 10 years. After his search for more light and truth he wrote his own response to the CES Letter.
Jason's testimony of how the Power of Christ's atonement changed him from a homeless addict to running successful rehabs.
At a young age Colton felt his testimony couldn't get any stronger. But after years of not feeding it he found himself in a dark place. How he came back to the light he loved and needed.
"A lot of people hear my story and they're like, wow, you used heroin? Like what programs did you go through? And with my story, I'm not recommending this to people that have true addictions, but the gospel was my recovery. It really was. I'm not saying to just read your scriptures and you're fine. Seek professional help, go to AA, NA -- there's all these amazing programs. But for me, I didn't do that stuff. I went back to church. I engulfed myself in the gospel.
Mary's experiences coming home early from her mission, getting divorced, and searching for answers.