Moroni 10

Moroni’s promise offers a path to know truth through the Holy Ghost. But what does it mean to ask with real intent and receive divine answers? John talks about ways we can start taking that a new step towards the Savior, each and every day.


Moroni 7–9

In a world full of darkness, Mormon shares his powerful testimony of faith, hope, and charity, and why those Christlike traits are essential for surviving spiritually.


Moroni 1–6

When Moroni was all alone and compiling the last few chapters of the Book of Mormon, what did he feel was most important for us to know? John talks about the lessons we can learn from Moroni’s messages on the sacrament, baptism, and how each of us can survive spiritually in the darkest times.


Ether 12–15

What can we learn from the fall of the Jaredites? In their final battles, we see the destructive power of pride—and how faith could have changed everything.


Ether 6–11

God’s mercy is never far, even in the darkest days of the Jaredites. Discover how the Jaredites’ journey to the promised land reflects our own life’s path, full of challenges, faith, and God’s light—even in the darkest times.


Ether 1–5

What can you learn from a loss of language and a falling tower? John talks the Brother of Jared’s story, which reminds us all how God can turn moments of confusion into a powerful purpose when we seek after Him with all our hearts.


Mormon 7–9

Will you believe when the time comes? Moroni’s message to non-believers is a stark reminder of the reality of Christ’s return and judgment.


Mormon 1–6

As the Nephite nation crumbled, Mormon recorded their tragic end. Learn how his words still resonate with the experiences we face today.


3 Nephi 27 – 4 Nephi

John explores the key principles of the Savior’s gospel - faith, repentance, and enduring to the end. He also looks at lessons we can learn from 4th Nephi, including what it means to live in “Zion”, and how pride can tear even the most heavenly places and people apart.


3 Nephi 20–26

How does the Book of Mormon signal the gathering of Israel? John explores the connection between temple ordinances, the Abrahamic covenant, and the promises made to all families of the earth.