Finding Jesus in the War Chapters

The war chapters of Alma are more than just about conflict between two peoples - they are filled with spiritual lessons that apply to us today! John shares how the experiences of Captain Moroni and his enemies can teach us about faith, leadership, and overcoming the personal challenges each of us face.


Feeling the Savior’s Love

How can we feel the Savior's love through our struggles and trials? Author, speaker, & quadriplegic Meg Johnson helps us to remember that we are given the choice whether we want to feel the Savior's love and what we can do to feel it.


Lessons from Captain Moroni

What is the deeper meaning behind the “war chapters” of the Book of Mormon? Hank Smith shares the struggle between Captain Moroni and Amalackiah and how you can learn from their experiences to navigate your own spiritual challenges and come out victorious!


How to Connect with God

What does it take to truly connect with God? Teacher Blake Dalton looks at the foundational principles of what is necessary to build a strong relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. It can take practice to recognize their influence but they want to help you make it safely home.


How to Support Single Parents

There is an awesome way to support single parents in the gospel and a not-so-awesome way to support them. LFMT Tammy Hill shows us examples of both and teaches us how to be more aware while supporting those in need.


Put on the Armor of God

The most powerful shield can be used as both defensive and offensive. And strong applied faith can overcome doubt. Author Kevin Clayson shows us how to best use the shield of faith as we go into our battle against the adversary.


The Book of Mormon Was Written for You

By the power of the Holy Ghost you can receive all things and have all things testified to you. Author Kevin Clayson takes this one step further and teaches us how, by the power of the Holy Ghost, you can know that the Book of Mormon was written specifically for you.


Discover Your Family History

Learn how to uncover the secrets of your family history! Scott and Angelle Anderson share some of their own family “secrets” that will show you how to see your genealogy and find the stories of your ancestors in fun ways!


Feel the Savior’s Love

Whether because of our own choices or the choices of others, sometimes we just don't feel the Savior's love. What can we do to bring back those feelings and draw closer to the Savior through the process? Author/speaker Hank Smith helps us identify ways that the Savior is aware of us while learning to feel the atonement at work again in our lives.