Your Kitchen’s a Mess But God Still Loves You

Why would God care more about your effort than your perfection? Teacher Andy Shepherd shares a new perspective on why repentance should actually be a positive word, what happens when we stop trying to be perfect, and start trying to be better, and the surprising truth about Nephi’s ‘failed’ attempts. If you’ve ever felt like you’re not measuring up or you’re tired of comparing yourself to others, this is your permission to be imperfect today - and why God wouldn’t have it any other way.


Biblical Patterns Hidden in Plain Sight

Have you ever heard the Bible story about the guy who fell asleep during a sermon, died, got resurrected, and then kept listening? No?! Don’t worry - you’re not alone! Lori Denning uncovers some of the mind-blowing patterns in the Bible that are hidden in plain sight, its masterful storytelling, and the purpose each shares. Featuring a deep dive into why Jesus had to heal a blind man twice (hint: it wasn’t because He couldn’t get it right the first time!), and how a literary device called ‘framing’ might just change how you read scripture forever.


Uncover Your Hidden Power

What’s the connection between agency, thoughts, and emotions? Coach Mike Gardiner helps you unlock the key to your own personal power, resilience, and finding a renewed sense of purpose.


The Accident That Wasn’t an Accident

When the chaplain comes to meet you at the hospital, it usually is not good news. Author and speaker Ken Williams shares the lessons he learned from a terrifying car crash that turned out to be a life-saving miracle, and how life’s challenging moments often come down to one choice: bitter or better? If you want to find more joy even when you’re in the middle of some really difficult circumstances, Ken’s message might just help you spot the ‘cows’ in life’s chaos.


The Family Motto That Built an Olympian

Have you ever felt like the challenges in your life are TOO big or your burdens are too heavy? Olympic Champion Peter Vidmar talks about lessons on the power of perseverance he learned from his family growing up that helped inspire him during his quest to become an Olympian. His stories about a family member who fought polio, to a man who walked upstairs on his hands will show you how sometimes God doesn’t take away our trials, but makes them more possible to bear.


God Doesn’t Create Losers (the scriptures prove it!)

Did you know there are 10 things God CAN’T do? The list includes creating losers, having mood swings, or EVER stopping His love for you. Teacher Eric D. Richards shares powerful truths and stories, including how an 8-inch-deep Red Sea miracle might be even more impressive than the original story with Moses in the Bible! If you’re setting goals in the new year, learning to face your fears, or you just need a dose of “God-fidence”, Eric’s message will help you change how you see your personal limitations, and His beautiful Inability to give up on you.


My 4-Year-Old Had More Faith Than Me

Comedian and podcaster Shawn Rapier’s 4-year old had a brilliant solution to an impossible situation: “Dad, why don't we just pray that the tire will be fine? Then we can just drive to Disneyland.” But there’s obviously more to that story! Shawn shares how sometimes the worst detours lead to the best destinations!


Move Beyond Your Mistakes

It's a beautiful feeling to go through the process of repentance and experience forgiveness from the Lord. Institute instructor Andy Horton helps us overcome the discomfort or anxieties we may face when beginning the repentance process.


Glad Tidings of Great Joy

What did the angels mean when they brought “glad tidings of great joy”? Speaker and author John Bytheway explores the profound impact of the angels’ declaration to the shepherds, so many years ago.


Come to Bethlehem and See

Speaker Ganel-Lyn Condie explores the different witnesses of the first Christmas! Learn how in our daily lives, we can see evidence of faith, recognize glimpses of God, and find peace even through the most challenging times of life.