3 Nephi 17-19

Welcome to Grounded, where women of various backgrounds, cultures, and ages gather together to study the doctrines and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, through the lens of covenant women. Join us as we discuss: Creating a House of Prayer, How Christ Hears Us, Heals Us, and Loves Us, and Covenant Belonging


Should Church Be Entertaining?

Meagan Kohler is a Latter-day Saint convert and has a double BA in Philosophy and French from Brigham Young University. She writes for the Latter-day Saint Voices column at Deseret News, but her main (and favorite) gig is taking care of her husband and four boys. Meagan has served as a secretary in the Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary, and has taught both Sunday School and Relief Society.


Women at Church—10 Years Later

We have decided to share with you  2-3 sessions from our recent Restore gathering to give you a taste of what took place during this amazing weekend. Last week we shared Joseph Grenny’s incredible message. It was an instant classic. . Today, we’re honored to bring you another really special moment from Restore. In a powerful, unflinching, and faithful presentation, our friend and community leader Neylan McBaine addressed an “elephant in the room” that so often goes unnamed: our experience with patriarchy in our faith communities.


Helaman 1-6

In this episode we’ll talk about Helaman chapters one through six. We’ll talk about some of the political problems the Nephites faced, and how this ultimately led to serious destruction through lack of preparedness. We’ll discuss how we need to have our own emotional defenses ready and strong, to deal with the trials that life poses. We’ll also talk about the power that comes from binding ourselves to the Savior. This process can help us navigate the difficulties that affect everyone, regardless of the choices they make.