How I Lead Primary in Honduras
Karla Fonseca
Karla Fonseca was born and raised in San Pedro Sula, the industrial capital of Honduras, in Central America. She graduated as an environmental engineer before serving in the Guatemala City Central Mission. She later earned a master’s degree in Environmental Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), and is now a senior in Marriage and Family Studies in BYU-Idaho’s online program. Karla has worked as an environmental coordinator and manager and is currently the project manager at her family’s insurance business. Karla has served in Young Womens as a president, counselor, secretary, and stake Personal Progress specialist; as an Institute teacher, ward Relief Society secretary, and temple worker in Las Vegas. She has also been a stake YSA representative and historian for the regional EFY conference, and has served as stake historian for over 10 years. She currently holds three additional callings as stake self-reliance specialist, Institute teacher, and ward Primary president. She hopes to continue in Primary in her new ward as a music leader. Karla and her husband Sergio Mejia have been married eight years and have a 5-year-old son.