You Are a Good Mom
There truly is no such thing as a bad person. All of us were born with divine goodness in us and that is who we are at our core. But Satan seeks to make all of us feel like we are eternally flawed and that the things we do or don’t do make us either “good” or “bad”. One of the greatest roles that gets attacked is motherhood. There are so many rules and expectations placed on mothers that when a mother either does or doesn’t do them, she is labeled as “good” or “bad”. The biggest labeler of a mother often being the mother herself. Coach Emily Wardrop wants to help moms drop the war they are putting themselves into by helping them know and believe that they can do so many things – and still be a good mom. Emily believes that when a mom can know that she is the expert on how to raise her kids and on her own mothering, that is when she can tap into her divine intuition, and see what really matters and works for her family. When a mom is showing up on her terms is when she is able to be the “good” mom she desires to be.