Truly Believing You Are Enough
We all have thoughts about ourselves and if you were to really examine them, are you telling yourself mostly negative things or positive things? If you said something negative, you are in the norm. You have a wonderful brain that is constantly trying to make sure that you are safe but a lot of times it goes about doing that in a very unhealthy way. After going through some hard things in her life and listening to a brain that while well intentioned, was telling her over and over again that she was not enough, Coach Alicia Hall realized that she didn’t have to believe that anymore and she started her healing journey of believing that she was enough. That Heavenly Father and the Savior love her exactly as she is and that her worth and value were determined before she even came to earth. She now helps her clients learn these same truths for themselves. She helps each of her clients recognize that they are enough, that Heavenly Father loves them just as they are, and that their lives have meaning and purpose.