The Blessings of Partnering With Our Heavenly Parents
When it comes to coaching there can be a lot of growth, mind stretching, and emotional maturing that takes place as old beliefs are questioned and replaced with new ones that create different results. We can definitely do a lot of cognitive growing on our own, but partnering with our Heavenly Parents is how we can do it so that our results are greater than we could ever imagine. The unique perspective of all the coaches here on the Latter-day Life Coaches Podcast is that we can take all the tools of life coaching and filter them through the lens of the gospel. This added filter helps those of us who have clients that believe in God and want to combine coaching and the gospel do that in a seamless way. In this final episode of 2022, Heather Rackham, the host of the podcast, shares some of her biggest takeaways from the year.