Story vs. Fact
In its simplest form, life is broken down into two categories – stories and facts. Facts are simply the things that occur in our lives. They are usually out of our control and something that everyone around us would agree on as having happened or not happened. Stories are created by us and are created by our thoughts about the facts. One person’s story of a set of facts can be very different from another person’s story. It’s not that the facts have changed but the story each individual is telling themselves is what has changed. Why is it important to know the difference? Because the stories – not the facts- you tell yourself will directly link to the results you have in your life. If you want different results you don’t need to change the facts, just the story, and that is great news because that’s all you can change. Today on the podcast Heather and coach Kendra Huffman explain the difference between a story and a fact and why recognizing the difference is essential to creating the life you want.