Selfie Love
We live in a day and age where people are constantly sharing parts of themselves with others. Social media is meant for sharing our lives, our likes, our accomplishments, our heartaches, and so much more. And yet, many of us shy away from sharing who we truly are. We fear that who we truly are isn’t enough. That if we share too much of ourselves it could possibly make others feel less than. Coach Davina Fear believes the opposite is true. She thinks that when we don’t share our true self – the essence of what makes us us – we are not showing up in the way God has intended us to be and we are depriving others of our greatness. God is a God of growth, expansion, and more. The world truly needs more of us, not less of us. And it certainly does not need a watered down version of who we really are. Davina wants all women to show up and share who they really are and so she has developed a course on how to take selfies that showcase ones uniqueness. It has helped so many women share the true versions of themselves and she wants to share what she’s learned with each of you.