Helping Your Teen Be the Hero of Their own Story
Who doesn’t love the stories told in movies like Star Wars, Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games? There is something in all of us that can relate to the underdog, the one least likely to succeed, triumphing over evil and accomplishing great things. Have you ever thought that perhaps it’s because that is the story many of us actually do live, or at least want to live? We want to be heroes in our own lives and we want to feel triumphant. Coach Joey Mascio is here to teach you some great ways that as a parent you can allow this triumphant story to be true for your teen. He believes that for every teen to triumph they must have a mentor and parents are the best person to fill that role. But all too often parents feel like the villain. The very thing their teen is trying to triumph over. It doesn’t need to be that way at all but you need to know the difference between what a villain does versus what a mentor does. This episode is fun, filled with good times, and will leave you knowing you can do this. You can be the mentor your teen needs and wants on their journey to become the hero of their lives story. If you feel you need more guidance, reach out to Joey and see how he can help you.