Developing the Divine Attribute of Suffering

Often when we talk about God and becoming more like Him, we dwell on emotions or attributes that are positive and feel good. Feelings like love, charity, understanding, and patience.  We seldom focus on emotions like anger, frustration, jealousy, and hate. Somewhere in our earthly learning we have come to believe that God doesn’t feel those things and so if we do, then we are doing something wrong and are in some way bad. Coach April Price is on the podcast today talking about how the exact opposite is true. It is not that God is sitting in a constant state of love and happiness while never feeling negative emotion. What He is actually doing is feeling all the negative emotion and then consciously choosing the love, the understanding, and the patience through His agency. One of our greatest gifts from God is the ability to grow and growth requires us to be able to feel negative emotion and still choose love, still choose to move forward, still believe we are good. When we can accept that feeling negative emotions is normal, we can stop believing that we are doing life wrong and start to realize that we are actually living the plan of God.

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