Exodus 24; 31–34

In this episode we’ll discuss how the children of Israel promised obedience to the ten commandments, including not worshiping other gods and not making any graven images. However, the shortly broke their promise after Moses delayed in returning from the mountain. They created a golden calf and worshipped it, resulting in a loss of the blessings associated with the higher law. We’ll discuss how good things take time, including getting relief from mental health issues. The Lord wants to bless us with good things, but often requires us to take a longer path towards our goals so that He can multiply our blessings along the way.  There are free worksheets available for all the invitations made in the weekly podcasts. To get access to them, please sign up for my email newsletter. Not only will you get access to the free worksheets, but access to many more free strategies to help manage your mental health. Please sign up at the following link:

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