Maintaining Relationships while Caregiving

When you’re spending all of your time taking care of another person, it feels like everything else in your life comes second to the needs of that person. Family, friends, jobs, everything can take a backseat when you’re in the trenches of being a caregiver. But when caregiving stretches from weeks to months to years, life without those other relationships can become much more difficult and unfulfilling. So how can we, as committed and overwhelmed caregivers, maintain the other relationships in our lives? How do we keep up with old friends, stay up to date with extended family, or even maintain a healthy marriage? In this installment of The Lisa Show’s series on Caregiving, Lisa talks with caregivers Carlos Olivas, Kara Ryska, Richard Lui, Jeremy Jorgason, and Rach Wilson about they’re experiences and advice that they have for other caregivers.

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