Understanding Isaiah
with Dr. Hank Smith
The book of Isaiah may be confusing, but it is also some of the most beautiful scripture in the Bible and Book of Mormon! Hank Smith breaks down the words of Isaiah as found in the Book of Mormon, and shows you how to think through and understand Isaiah’s beautiful descriptions and prophecies.
An Introduction
Do you find Isaiah confusing or challenging to understand? The way he writes is not always straightforward! As you dive into this new miniseries, not only will you discover new context that will unlock your understanding of this powerful text, but you’ll also understand why Nephi found solace and inspiration...
2 Nephi 12-15
What can we learn from Isaiah’s warnings and promises? Hank shows how Isaiah encourages us to confront the consequences of our actions and embrace the path to redemption, and how we can use the transformative power of faith to make it through even the hardest of times.
2 Nephi 16-18
Isaiah uses beautifully descriptive imagery in his prophecies. But because the meaning of his words is not always clear, it’s easy to get confused as to what he really means and what his words mean for you! Hank shares important context that helps to unlock Isaiah’s visually descriptive text and shares...
2 Nephi 19-22
When you understand the events that were happening in Isaiah’s time, it starts to become much easier to understand what he was trying to say. Hank shares a historical breakdown of the kings and lords of Isaiah’s time so his words can begin to come to life in much clearer ways.
2 Nephi 23-24
In the final part of this miniseries, Hank shows you how to understand Isaiah’s prophecies as he speaks to Babylon and foretells its fate due to wickedness. Learn how to find relevance for Isaiah’s prophecies in today’s world.