Easter Week Monday

On Jesus' first full day in Jerusalem He visited the temple... and was not pleased with what he found. Listen to find out what the Savior's reaction to moneychangers and animal sellers tells us about our own temple worship.


Spiritual Grit

I was raised in a wonderfully religious Latter-day Saint home but I still found myself in the middle of a crisis of faith as a teenager. If being "raised right" couldn't protect me from a faith crisis, is there anything that could?


General Conference Prep Week

In preparation for General Conference we'll be diving into messages from LAST General Conference. This episode takes a look at a single line from Elder Rasband's talk "Standing by Our Promises and Covenants." We'll dive in deep to the idea of how a single decision can bless you for years to come in a million ways!


General Conference Prep Week

In preparation for General Conference we'll be diving into messages from LAST General Conference. This episode takes a look at Elder Ballard's talk, "Giving Our Spirits Control Over Our Bodies," and Elder Bednar's talk, "Watchful Unto Prayer Continually.” We'll dive in deep to the topic of our mortal bodies, why Satan attacks us primarily through our bodies, and what the body has to do with our purpose here on earth.


General Conference Prep Week

In preparation for General Conference we'll be diving into messages from LAST General Conference. This episode takes a look at President Eyring's message, "Covenant Women in Partnership with God," and Elder Uchtdorf's message, "Your Great Adventure."   Both of these talks are a big pick-me-up for the spiritually weary... a reminder that you are AWESOME and that you've done AWESOME things before!


General Conference Prep Week

In preparation for General Conference we'll be diving into messages from LAST General Conference. This episode takes a look at President Nelson's invitation from January 2020 (yes, technically not Conference) to help us prepare for April Conference.


General Conference Prep Week

In preparation for General Conference we'll be diving into messages from LAST General Conference. This episode takes a look at the words of President Nelson who gave a powerful invitation in his talk, "Spiritual Treasures" that might inspire you to "Marie Kondo" your life!


Finding Answers to Questions

Do you have gospel questions that don't have an easy answer? If you can't find answers, should you just stop asking? This episode will walk you through 3 KEY things you need to know that will help you find answers to your most difficult gospel questions!


Words of Mormon

King Benjamin is known for his great speech to his people in the book of Mosiah. But what led to that speech? And what led to his people being so willing and ready to hear his message? In this episode we'll talk about the INTENSE preparation required before Mosiah 1 - 6 could come to pass.