Moroni 10 (intro)
Here we are! Last chapter of the BOM! And Moroni nails it with a few important “exhortations” for us, which will be our focus for this whole week.😀
Here we are! Last chapter of the BOM! And Moroni nails it with a few important “exhortations” for us, which will be our focus for this whole week.😀
In the midst of all of the depravity and craziness, it is easy to be weighed down. Moroni 9 has a verse that can change everything about your view when you’re having a rough go of things. 😀
There are many reasons why Jesus invites us to “be as little children” - this chapter adds to it very well. 😀
Do you believe in miracles? As long as we have faith that they will happen, prepare to be amazed by them. 😀
It seems like being judgmental comes so naturally to us humans, and yet we all need to be able judge situations and scenarios - which often involve other people. It’s something we need to learn how to do correctly and righteously to find happiness in this life. I am so grateful that Mormon says “I show unto you the way to judge”. 🙏🏻 #
Part 3 of Moroni’s “Priesthood Manual to future Lamanites”, he throws a ton of stuff into 9 short verses...the most interesting to me is a section that I like to call “How to fix boring church meetings”. 😀
Does God have a favorite scripture? I really don’t know, but I think we make a pretty good case for a couple in today’s episode. 😀
In these opening chapters of Moroni, wanted future generations—including us—to understand how vital ordinances are and to feel the peace and power that come through the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Have you ever wondered why Moroni is at the top of most of our temples? Yes, I know - we won’t be seeing him up there as much in future temples, but I think his example of proclaiming the gospel and standing as a lone witness is such a nice thing to see on top of our holiest places. 😇
In addition to studying the book of Moroni in the month of December, we also get a chance to #lighttheworld. Today’s brief message introduces you to an idea we had to add to your experience of finishing the Book of Mormon this month. 😀