The Widows and the Hypocrites

The Lord is aware of our hearts, our circumstances, and our offerings. He calculates our offerings using the arithmetic of heaven. Hank uses the stories of the widows and the Pharisees to help us check our hearts in order to see that our sacrifices are enough.


The Last Supper

As we learn more about the history and culture behind the Last Supper, our reverence for the event will deepen. Hank helps us see ourselves in the circumstances that unfolded during the Last Supper and the significance of the symbolism that occured.


The Garden and Atonement

Christ's agonies in the Garden are difficult to imagine in the finite mind. The act of taking upon Him the sins of the entire world is far more than we are capable of comprehending. Hank opens our minds to a new understanding of the infinite atonement and what truly happened in the Garden of Gethsemane.


The Trial and Crucifixion

From the disciples to the onlookers, from Pilate to Herod, understanding the characters of the trial and crucifixion brings a new light into the ultimate sacrifice of Christ.


The Veil and the Resurrection

When we recognize the symbolic connections between the temple veil and the resurrection, we can find ourselves make a deeper connection with the Savior. Hank dives into the miraculous event and helps us see new symbols as we participate in temple worship.


The Resurrected Lord

The disciples who saw the resurrected Lord developed a deeper relationship with their Savior. How can you do the same? Hank helps us see ourselves in the lives of the disciples and shows us how to deepen our relationship with the Living Christ.