Trust in the Lord

Is the vending machine of life giving you what you expected? Or has life’s “selection” for you ended up much different than you’d planned? John Bytheway shares ways you can begin to trust the Lord's timing and His plan for you as you learn to navigate life's twists, turns, and surprises every day!


Don’t Get Tricked!

How can we make sure we're seeing things as they truly are, when we live in a world that feels so full of deception? Magician Brad Barton takes you through an enchanting experience to help you see past the “illusions” of the world, so you can recognize God’s hand in your life and feel His love for you in a whole new way.


Spiritual Beings in a Human Experience

Trying to figure out who you “really” are? Feeling frustrated with where you are in your life? Dr. Matt Townsend shows you how to unlock your mind and body so you can experience the power that comes from being “at one” with God.


The Main Thing

When Peter saw Christ walking on water, he wanted to walk on water too – so he stepped out onto the Sea of Galilee and for a few moments, he did! But it wasn’t long before he started to sink because he lost his focus on the Savior. John Bytheway shares how keeping your focus on Jesus will not only strengthen your faith, but will also help you weather any storm you have to face.


Building GOD-fidence

There are plenty of things to be afraid of in this life – spiders, heights, public speaking – maybe even just raising your hand in class! So how do you build the type of confidence that not only helps you face your fears but also helps you feel more confident and sure of yourself? Eric D. Richards shares how to build a different type of strength that helps you see yourself as Heavenly Father sees you and gives you the spiritual ability to take on any challenge!


Lost Shoes, Broken Bows, & Bad Days

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, life just doesn’t go the way you want it to! So what do you do when life gets you down? Hank Smith shares different ideas on how to face life’s most frustrating setbacks with faith in the Savior AND your future.


The Object of the Game

God has a work for you personally to do! But how do you figure out what that “work” is? John Bytheway shows how to invite Heavenly Father to become a part of your “mission”, and how you can use His divine guidance to help you become a better player in the game of life.


Sirens and Spiritual Lighthouses

Just like the many lighthouses along rocky shores that protected seaman from danger, Heavenly Father places spiritual lighthouses in each of our lives to help protect us from things that would hurt us. But do you see His light illuminating your way forward? Hank shows how you can have confidence the Atonement is working in your life, and how to recognize the "sirens" of the world trying to lead you into danger. “No Thanks, Nigel!”


Parents are Friends, Not Foes

Parents may frustrate you sometimes, and you may even find them annoying sometimes (especially if you're a teenager)! But even though they may embarrass you or drive you crazy sometimes, your parents are there to help you through the ups and downs you're bound to face in life! Hank Smith shares a hilarious take on the many ways your parents are here to help you succeed both in life, and as a Child of God.


Frogs, Flies, Pharoahs, and Phones

In Moses’ day, God used plagues to remind His people of His power and presence. While we may not experience the same types of challenges today, we can still use the lessons we learn from the stories of that day to protect ourselves from the allure of false gods in today's world!